Market Gear Stock Screener Module
Most traders need actionable trading ideas to put their money to work. Market Gear’s Advanced Stock Screener has hundreds of data points that can be used to find the right stock and options plays based on your desired criteria.
With advanced features like moving average crossovers, finding gaps, buy/sell ratios, time-of-day aware volume, and performance metrics, this will take your search to a whole new level.
...and Fundamentals
Pick from an array of fundamental data, including financials, insider trading, institutional money flows, and much more for a deeper range of options than most other products offer.
Sliders, Checkboxes, and More
Once you determine the criteria that you want to screen with, each data point can be filtered by sliders, checkboxes, drop downs, or manually entering the ranges that you want, all based on which is easiest for that item. Setting up and adjusting screens has never been easier.
Screen for Options
The Market Gear scanner even let's you scan for options criteria that includes intraday volume and price comparisons. Find options with above average put or call volume, compare daily Implied Volatility changes, and more with ease.