Market Gear Scoring Module

Finding stocks to trade shouldn’t be hard. The Market Gear Score gives you a visual breakdown of a stock’s health based on fundamental data, chart pattern, earnings potential, and institutional interest.

See It Visually

The Market Gear Score is viewed through four icons in your Watchlist next to each symbol. The color of each icon (green, red, or yellow) tell you how the stock fares for each of the four categories.

Drill Down with Ease

By clicking on each of the icons, you can immediately dig deeper into the data that drives the Score. Everything is cross-tabulated, so while you are viewing the data, you can easily see where it comes from and go deeper.

Generate Trading Ideas

Use the Score to find suitable trading ideas for your style. You can scan the market for the matching data that means the most to you and review the results quickly. With Market Gear, you don't need to waste time finding your next trade.

Save Your Results for Later

Create your own resource center by bookmarking your favorites scans so they are always available. Choose from nearly 50 preset scans, including ones with unusual options activity, changes in institutional activity, and chart spikes.

Scan for a Strategy

Use our scans to find stocks that are ready for a specific type of advanced options strategy. Set your conditions and parameters and let the platform find the trades for you. You can filter out earnings dates and other news events so you don't get caught with something unexpected.